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Why You Should You Do Physical Therapy Before Surgery


Are you wondering why your doctor prescribed physical therapy before you even have surgery? There is good reason for prescribing it, but many patients are confused as to why they cannot go straight to the OR. Physical therapy can be a great tool not only at managing pain but preparing your body for what it is about to go through. Through surgery shouldn’t be feared, it is a big deal for your body.


How Does Physical Therapy Before Surgery Help?

Our doctors like to try the most conservative options before jumping to invasive procedures. Physical therapy is a great tool for managing pain, and some patients may even be able to avoid surgery depending on their injury or condition! It is important to listen to your doctor and try conservative treatments beforehand.

If your doctor determines that surgery is inevitable, pre-operative surgery is still a great tool to prepare your body for surgery. Your physical therapist will help strengthen the muscles around the affected area so that when it comes time for surgery you are ahead of the game. Our physical therapists will also help you prep mentally by letting you know what to expect after surgery. Simple things like preparing your home, forming a good support system, and knowing what you can and cannot do can make a big difference in your experience after surgery.

What to Expect at Pre-Operative Physical Therapy?

During pre-op physical therapy your physical therapist will evaluate where you are in your injury / condition and determine your strength and weaknesses. Together you will form goals for before and after surgery. From there your physical therapist will give you physical therapy exercises and stretches to do with them and at home. These exercises are what will prepare your body for surgery and make your recovery faster and more effective!

Since you have already seen and established a relationship with your physical therapist, they will know the right plan for you to help get you back on your feet after surgery. You will most likely see your physical therapist one day or days after surgery, meaning you may still be on pain medications. In this state, it is nice to have no learning curves and be in a comfortable place with your physical therapist.

At MPOWER, our physical therapists have close relationships with the same doctors who performed your surgery. This give a unique advantage to your recovery and helps when questions or concerns arise.

What to Expect After Surgery?

It is normal for your body to be stressed after a procedure, so making sure your environment is as stress free as possible will also help you mentally. Research has shown that stress leads to inflammation (something you will want to reduce after surgery), so we encourage patients to try things like meditation, slow down at work or talk to a therapist.

Preparing your mind, body and environment for surgery is a big task, but there is no one more equipped to help your through the journey like a Physical Therapist! If you are interested in physical therapy at MPOWER, click here.


Cassie Whittaker
Cassie is the Communications Coordinator for Elite Sports Medicine + Orthopedics. She has been writing and reviewing medical content since 2020.

About the Author: AMWN Dev

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