Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Many of our patients at MPOWER struggle with some form of hip pain. It can be especially uncomfortable sitting or standing, making it hard to avoid pain when it arises. 


When to See a Doctor for Hip Pain

If your hip pain is making it difficult to perform your daily tasks, it is time to see an orthopedic hip doctor near you. Our orthopedic hip doctors specialize in the hip and know what it takes to have a successful recovery from a hip injury. Our doctors at Elite Sports Medicine + Orthopedics work closely with the physical therapists at MPOWER to form the best treatment plan for each specific patient. 

Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Core Strength

The core is important for all types of injuries, but especially for those with back and hip issues. By strengthening your core, you will stabilize the hip muscles which can help alliviate hip pain.

Cassie Whittaker Cassie is the Communications Coordinator for Elite Sports Medicine + Orthopedics. She has been writing and reviewing medical content since 2020.

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