Sarah Coll

Physical Therapist located in Franklin, TN

About Sarah Coll


  • Physical Therapist
  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy


  • Integrated Dry Needling


  • Vanderbilt University – Bachelors in Psychology, Medical Anthropology
  • University of Tennessee Health Science Center – Doctorate of Physical Therapy


About Sarah

I was born and raised in Nashville and have no plans to leave any time soon! I grew up watching Vanderbilt sports - Go ‘Dores! - and the best job I ever had before becoming a PT was working at a summer camp driving boats and teaching kids how to ski and knocking them off the tube. I love watching sports and movies on TV, reading books and hanging out making memories with my husband, son and goldendoodle. My favorite vacation is skiing in Taos, New Mexico and my bucket list place to visit is Croatia.


Personal Philosophy

Everyone is an athlete - the setting just looks different from one person to the next! One person may be trying to get back to the soccer pitch, golf course or swimming pool while another may be wanting to get back to playing in the backyard with kids or the workplace or just to be able to keep taking care of themselves independently at home. It’s my job to help patients meet THEIR goals, no matter what they may be!


Greatest Success

I am truly most proud when I see a patient come in on their first day apprehensive, frustrated and sometimes downright grumpy and I can use my words and my skills to give them hope and wanting to come back again because they see the value in what I do. Nothing motivates me more than seeing patients want to get better and love coming to therapy because the atmosphere is unlike any other!


Sarah Coll


  • Physical Therapist
  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy


  • Integrated Dry Needling


  • Vanderbilt University – Bachelors in Psychology, Medical Anthropology
  • University of Tennessee Health Science Center – Doctorate of Physical Therapy


About Sarah

I was born and raised in Nashville and have no plans to leave any time soon! I grew up watching Vanderbilt sports - Go ‘Dores! - and the best job I ever had before becoming a PT was working at a summer camp driving boats and teaching kids how to ski and knocking them off the tube. I love watching sports and movies on TV, reading books and hanging out making memories with my husband, son and goldendoodle. My favorite vacation is skiing in Taos, New Mexico and my bucket list place to visit is Croatia.


Personal Philosophy

Everyone is an athlete - the setting just looks different from one person to the next! One person may be trying to get back to the soccer pitch, golf course or swimming pool while another may be wanting to get back to playing in the backyard with kids or the workplace or just to be able to keep taking care of themselves independently at home. It’s my job to help patients meet THEIR goals, no matter what they may be!


Greatest Success

I am truly most proud when I see a patient come in on their first day apprehensive, frustrated and sometimes downright grumpy and I can use my words and my skills to give them hope and wanting to come back again because they see the value in what I do. Nothing motivates me more than seeing patients want to get better and love coming to therapy because the atmosphere is unlike any other!


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