MPOWER Physical Therapy Brentwood, TN Office

Opening hours
Get in touch
1001 Health Park Drive
Suite 210B
Brentwood, TN 37027

Physical Therapy in Brentwood, TN | MPOWER Physical Therapy


 photo of Elite Sports Medicine + Orthopedics


MPOWER Physical Therapy in Brentwood, TN is located inside TriStar Health Park. MPOWER Physical Therapy Brentwood is located next to our partner, Elite Sports Medicine + Orthopedics, and we have free patient parking available.

MPOWER’s team of physical therapists in Brentwood works with a variety of patients and clients. Our providers have a close relationship with the team at Elite Sports Medicine, making MPOWER and Elite to go for all your orthopedic needs.


Our Brentwood Physical Therapy Services

• Hand Therapy
• Dry Needling
• Deep oscillation therapy
• Blood flow restriction training
• Ice compression system
AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill
• Manual therapy (joint mobilization and soft tissue mobilization)
• Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization
• Electrical stimulation
• Manual and mechanical spine traction
• Ultrasound
• Cupping